Slowing Down: Step by Step, One at a Time

Ash C
4 min readSep 4, 2020

There is a popular Instagram filter called Glossary, where it shows a word along with its meaning, to go with the vibe of your Instagram story. One of the words is ‘Hygge’, which is Danish for “the ritual of enjoying life’s simple pleasures”. ‘Hygge’ is not just a word, but a form of living for many.

Photo by Georgia de Lotz on Unsplash

In the pre- COVID times, India woke up to constant chaos, from people jostling in local trains every ten minutes to traffic jams, rushing as if there was an apocalypse. We have become so accustomed to the chaos that sitting still feels like a heinous act. But the thing is, fast-paced living can get overwhelming, especially in cities like Mumbai, where the city never sleeps, or Bangalore, where you’re always cramming to get more done in your schedule, leading to burnout.

In a world of ‘tap, click, post’ where we constantly seek the thrills of instant gratification, it becomes essential to slow down and savor every moment, and becoming conscious of your surroundings is integral.

When we slow down, life slows down with us. We get to be still with ourselves and connect more to the core of who we are and what we want out of life. It does not mean procrastination, as it is misconstrued to be. Slow living is about enjoying life as it is.

Photo by Marek Rucinski on Unsplash

I do not pretend to be an expert, but quarantine has taught me a few things about a slow lifestyle.

Here are some things that I’ve been incorporating in my lifestyle:

1. Social Distancing with My Phone: I used to wake up with my phone right in my hand, and sleep with it plugged into a charger so I wouldn’t have to waste my time to charge it later in the morning. Sounds relatable? To counter this, I have disabled notifications. The lesser the alerts, the less distracted you are, which ultimately stops messing with your daily routine.

2. Routines: Speaking of routines, there is a need to set a specific routine to extract yourself from the quicksand of procrastination. These days, there is hardly any difference found between a workday and a weekday. Get up in the morning at a fixed time, drink some water, meditate, workout, journal, whatever you like. Also, set specific goals for how much work you want to get done that day. It could be only three things, but get them done. And lastly, set aside an hour to dedicate it to learning a new skill, a new language, improving your hobbies, or a step closer to your passion, anything which makes life a little better for you. And maybe reward yourself on the weekends by binge-watching or sleeping in.

3. Focus on Necessities: Remember that cute top which is a size small but you have been saving it to wear forever? If you haven’t worn it in six months, you don’t need it ever. Period. Declutter your wardrobe, your house, your room, your phone gallery. Donate what isn’t required. Only focus on the bare necessities.

4. Think Now, not Tomorrow: This is also another way of saying — just live in the moment. Being mindful helps in slowing down. Accept that however much you rush, there are some things beyond our control and so, learn to let go. And while you’re at it, sip on a warm cup of chai or some steamy coffee. The immunity-boosting kadha might be a good option too

Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

5. Practice Gratitude: And this brings me to my final point. Gratitude is a game-changer. When you have a sense of contentment, you give out positive vibes on a mental and emotional level. Practice gratitude. For your home, your work, your family, and friends. This will help you to connect more, and live with good experiences.

And while I understand, that slow living might not be possible with a job and a hectic schedule, one must be open to discoveries, travel disruptions, cultural differences. And there should be no micromanagement of pleasure, no overarching master plan. Slow living is finding the balance and speed to live consciously by cherishing every experience. All we need, in between the chaos, are the little moments of life worth living.

I hope this helps you to embrace your moment of slow too! Cheers!

